Acoustic Communication in Water Pipes

Members: Gal Altman, Chen Scheim

Supervisor: Dr. Shimon Mizrahi

Project Repo:

The objective of our project is research and design of an effective and reliable state of the art acoustic communication system between a small submarine navigating through water pipes and a control station. Our engineering approach included designing and constructing a specialized modem, creating a custom communication protocol, and developing transmitter and receiver amplification circuits and dedicated circuit boards. We implemented advanced microcontroller technology to seamlessly integrate hardware and software, ensuring efficient communication. Our protocol incorporates various techniques such as different modulation methods (AM/DTMF) and error correction mechanisms such as Hamming code, further enhanced by DSP and digital communication technics to improve signal reception. This multifaceted approach aims to create a functioning communication framework that is both reliable and efficient, specially tailored to the unique demands of submerged environments. Our design is focused on enabling future improvements, adjustments, and new features. One of our main goals is to set the base for the IPIPE company to improve, tune and enhance the system.