The institute offers an undergraduate program leading to a B.Sc. Degree in Electrical Engineering and Applied Physics (EE/AP), and graduate studies leading to M.Sc. and Ph.D. Degrees in Applied Physics.
These programs meet the challenge of preparing the engineer and applied physicist of the future, when the working technologies at our disposal are subject to continuous change and scientific development.
The graduate of our programs is equipped with a foundations and toolbox that combine a wide range of scientific knowledge with research experience at the cutting edge of scientific and engineering research.
Over the years, graduates of the institute have become essential and major contributors in bringing Israel to its current position as a major player in the global high-tech arena and cutting-edge academic research.
On top of filling the ranks throughout the R&D infrastructure in Israel in general, graduates of the institute assume today key positions in leading universities (in Applied Physics, Physics and Engineering departments), major technology corporations, Venture capital firms that specialize in the high-tech industry, and as founders of a large number of start-up companies.